Louis Armstrong and his Hot Seven

Louis Armstrong and his Hot Seven was a jazz studio group organized to make a series of recordings for Okeh Records in Chicago, Illinois in May 1927. Some of the personnel also recorded with Louis Armstrong and his Hot Five, including Johnny Dodds (clarinet), Lil Armstrong (piano), Johnny St. Cyr (banjo and guitar). These musicians were augmented by Johnny Dodds's brother, Baby Dodds (drums), Pete Briggs (tuba), and John Thomas (trombone, replacing Armstrong's usual trombonist Kid Ory, then touring with King Oliver). Briggs and Thomas were at the time working with Armstrong's performing group, the Sunset Stompers.

In five sessions between May 7 and May 14, 1927, the group recorded at least 12 sides, including "Willie the Weeper," "Wild Man Blues," "Twelfth Street Rag," and "Potato Head Blues" (celebrated for Louis Armstrong's stop-time solo).

Their song "Melancholy Blues" is included on the Voyager Golden Record, attached to the Voyager spacecraft.

See also